Friday, September 20, 2019

Words werdz wuuuurdzzz.

I have some favorite words, friends:

Obstreperous (adj) : Noisy and difficult to control

  • He was an obstreperous sub, yet she persevered. (heh)
  • The feeling, all passionate and torrid, racketed about her chest like some glorious, obstreperous tennis ball, bouncing from side to side, top to bottom, and expanding her plural cavity until she could burst.
Vicissitude (n) : The change of circumstance from alternating between opposite or contrasting things
  • The vicissitudes of napping and playtime were tall too much for Sampson, who plopped on the floor after only a few bats at some stringed feather.
  • Anxious attachment rendered her catatonic among the natural vicissitudes of love and loneliness.
Facing the vicissitudes of defining worth by who she is -with- and not just who she -is- proved an obstreperous challenge over the space of several years. However, those times are ending and the luminosity returning. 

What are yours? :)

1 comment:

  1. Right now my favourite is Cacophony. Noun:a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
